Contact Us

*We will be in contact shortly once we have confirmed the details of your inquiry.

*Please understand that it may take us two to three days to reply.

*For tour reservations, please confirm the points below regarding the tour before making reservations using the form.

*Please call us by telephone if you are in a hurry.

Points Regarding Tour (Required reading)

Make sure to enter the item marked with *.

Inquiry type*
Your name*
E-mail address*
Please share how you heard about our workshop.
Preferred date and hour
captcha ←Please enter the characters shown on the left.

Points Regarding Tour (Required reading)

  • We provide the tour as a service for those who have purchased our products. We do not provide the tour otherwise.
  • We cannot offer the tour for visitors without a reservation. If you wish to partake in a tour, please use the inquiry form to notify us in advance. Please specify your desired date/time, the number of people in your group, and whether you will be accompanied by a Japanese-speaking guide. We also ask that you call by the day prior to your visit to check if we are busy.
  • Once we have received your tour application e-mail, we will send a confirmation e-mail. Please be sure to confirm and finalize the reservation by responding and continuing the exchange.
  • Your reservation will not be finalized if we do not send a confirmation e-mail, or if we do not receive a response from you. Please understand that we will be unable to provide a tour in such cases.
  • Please understand that there are cases where we will be unable to provide a tour due to work-related reasons or reservation status.
  • The tour takes 20 to 30 minutes. (Please come by 3:30 PM)
  • Please make sure to call us by the day prior if you need to cancel your reservation. Your reservation will be canceled if you do not arrive by your reservation time.
  • Please be sure to call if you are going to be late or need to cancel on the day. Please note that scheduling conflicts may prevent us from providing a tour if you are late.
  • Do not smoke or eat within the facilities. We also refuse to provide tours to individuals who are intoxicated.
  • Actual products and items are being made in the factory. Please avoid behavior that hinders the workers or worksite.
  • We ask that you do not touch the items or materials in the factory, as they are in the process of being manufactured.
  • There are various industrial machines and chemicals within the factory. Under no circumstances should you approach or touch any switches. Malfunctions may cause injuries and accidents. We will not assume responsibility for any accidents.
  • Please understand that we do not offer tours to those involved in the same industry.


  • 参观见学是为购买商品的客人所提供的服务。我们谢绝单独的参观见学。
  • 请勿突然来访进行参观见学。希望进行参观学学的客人请事先在咨询表格中填写希望参观的时间、人数、是否有日语导游同行等信息后提交,并且请务必于参观前一天为止打电话确认参观当日的拥挤状况。
  • 在收到您希望参观见学的邮件后,我们会向您发送一封确认用的邮件,请务必确认该邮件并完成预约。
  • 如果您没有收到确认用的邮件,或我们没有收到您的回复,预约则无法完成。即使您前来也无法进行参观见学,敬请谅解。
  • 根据业务上的情况和预约的状况,可能无法为您安排参观见学,敬请谅解。
  • 参观见学所学时长大约为20-30分钟。(请在下午3点半前入店)
  • 如果您需要取消预约,请务必在参观的前一天为止电话通知我们。如果在预约的时间您无法到场的话,我们将取消您的预约。
  • 参观当天取消预定或迟到时,请务必电话通知我们。如果您迟到的话,根据之后的预约情况,我们可能无法为您安排参观见学,敬请谅解。
  • 请勿在店内和工作室内抽烟和饮食。另外,谢绝饮过酒的客人参观见学,敬请谅解。
  • 工厂是实际制作商品和作品的地方。请勿做任何可能会妨碍工匠和现场工作的行为。
  • 工厂内放置有制作中的作品和材料等,请勿用手触碰。
  • 工厂内放置有各种各样的工作器械和药品,请绝对不要做出用手触碰的行为,如靠近它们或打开开关等。误操作可能会导致受伤或事故。万一发生事故,我们对此不负责任。
  • 同业人员可能被谢绝参观见学,敬请谅解。